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Catalina Worthing

About Catalina Worthing Insurance Limited

Catalina Worthing Insurance Limited (“CWIL”) is an insurance undertaking authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 468832).  CWIL is approved to carry on non-life insurance business in classes 1 to 18.


CWIL was incorporated in 2006 and wrote D&O business.  In 2012 CWIL was placed into run off and ceased underwriting.  CWIL was previously called “Hartford Financial Products International Limited” and was acquired by the Catalina Group in May 2017, from the Hartford Financial Services Group Inc..  It changed its name to Catalina Worthing Insurance Limited on 15 June 2017.

In 2015 CWIL acquired the whole of the insurance business of the Excess Insurance Company Limited, Hartford Fire Insurance Company (London Branch) and certain portfolios from London & Edinburgh Insurance Company Limited.

On 30 November 2022 CWIL acquired the entirety of the general insurance and reinsurance business written and/or assumed by AGF Insurance Limited and Catalina London Limited.

AGF Insurance Limited
AGF Insurance Limited was established in 1960 and was formerly known as the Employers’ Mutual Insurance Association Limited, N.E.M. Insurance Company Limited and NEM Insurance Company Limited.  AGF also acquired the business of the National Employers Mutual in 1989. It had been in run-off since 1998 and prior to that date it predominantly had underwritten employers’ liability and public liability insurance in the United Kingdom.

Catalina London Limited
Catalina London Limited was established in 1980 and had been in run-off since 2005.  It was formerly known as American Re-Insurance Company (UK) Limited, Aetna Re-Insurance Company (UK) Limited, The Imperial Fire & Marine Re-Insurance Company Limited and Alea London Limited.  In 2017 it also acquired the insurance and reinsurance business of KX Reinsurance Company Limited and OX Reinsurance Company Limited.

Address of Register Office:

Legal Status:

Company Registration Number:

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI):

Ultimate Parent:

Financial Supervisory Authority:

1 Alie Street
E1 8DE

Private Limited Company



Catalina Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd.

Prudential Regulation Authority
20 Moorgate
London, EC2R 6DA

Financial Conduct Authority
12 Endeavour Square
London, E20 1JN

Contact Information


Any complaints should be addressed in writing to:-
UK Compliance Officer
Catalina Holdings UK Limited
First Floor
1 Alie Street

Data Subject Requests

All data subject requests, relating to Data Access, Data Deletion, Date Recertification, Restriction of Processing or Data Portability should be addressed in writing to:
UK Compliance Officer
Catalina Holdings UK Limited
First Floor
1 Alie Street
E1 8DE
United Kingdom


The first SFCR of the Company was prepared prior to the completion of the acquisition by the Catalina Group and was approved by the previous board of directors on information at 31.12.16.

Catalina Worthing SFCR 2017

The company has a waiver to prepare a group SFCR. Company and Group SFCR information can be found in the link below.

Catalina Holdings UK SFCR 2018

Catalina Holdings UK SFCR 2019

Catalina Holdings UK SFCR 2020

Catalina Holdings UK SFCR 2021

Catalina Holdings UK SFCR 2022

Catalina London Employers Liability Policy Register


CHUK Board Diversity Policy